The brokenness of politics is why people don't vote, not vice versa. Gerrymandering, voter suppression, lying right wing politicians, billion dollar campaigns...
We do NOT have the government we deserve, because the republican party exists.
If we don't vote, we deserve the government we get. This past election proved that we have to fight for the government we want. Throwing up our hands and not participating has the same effect as overt approval. You don't approve of the current administration? Then do something about it. Put up or shut up.
I always vote as well - since the 2000 election. We don't have a set-in-stone two-party system; we have a default two-party system because we vote FPTP. If we voted ranked-choice, it would be better. If we had top-four open non-partisan primaries using approval voting, it would be better still.
We had record-high turnout for the 2020 election: 67%. That means 33% of people stayed home. Before then, we were always in the low sixties. That's horrible. That means our elections are decided by only 1/3rd of the country. That's the real reason we don't have a democracy; nothing is ever truly decided by a majority.