While the holocaust firestorm raged; in Palestine, zionism’s dogs of war perpetrated their own antisemitic acts of violence against “the enemies of jewry”: the foremost enemy was non-zionist jews”.
“Much of the terror in 1940 targeted ‘uncooperative’ jews” – that is, jews who criticised zionism (also labelled then, like now, as antisemites), jews who refused payment to the jewish national fund, jews who resisted the jewish Agency’s special tax and jewish police and soldiers serving the British Mandate. BTW, not a peep about jewish anti-jew atrocities was articulated by zionism’s popular propagandist, Leon Uris who warped the minds of two generations of baby-boomer readers with fake jewish heroism including the Exodus debacle.
Shockingly, over and over, jews were callously sacrificed on the altar of zionism,
“Not even Kristallnacht changed his priorities: Speaking in December 1938, the month after that terrible night heralded the beginning of the holocaust, Ben-Gurion assailed the idea of saving Germany’s jewish children by sending them to safety in England, a movement then in progress with the Kindertransport.
Rather than see all the children escape safely to England, he argued that it was better to let half of them be slaughtered at the hands of the Nazis in order to get the surviving half to be settlers in his colonial project.”
“In late 1941, when jews were being carted off to death camps by the trainload, the Irgun dismissed “antisemitic” attempts to offer them safe haven outside of Palestine and published warnings directed to dissenting jews not to interfere with zionists’ “god-given right” to rule Palestine and Transjordan.”