This meme is a reference to Trumps last time in the white house, but still, question the vote of the " "other". Me and many more will ostracise them from any group, because of their political views that put down so many people.
What are you babbling about? Try to construct a simple sentence. Ostracize who? For what?
Put down what people?
The only "people" he "put down" were those who get here illegally.
My guess is the missing 8% are those with brains and are able to THINK for themselves and have left the Democrat plantation.
.....................Your understanding of things has baffled me. If you don't understand go away. It was clear to ridicule those who voted for Trump. This is an ironic joke. The irony was that trump was sure that he would win. And the image is deadpan. Search it. Deadpan joke. I took time to respond when I saw the opportunity to school you, of how a joke can work. and be a better prankster. BETRAYER-IN-CHIEF.🤣😂😂