She moved to an Island when she was young. It was a cold place with a lot of snow and rain. Frost's family was killed by a deadly snowstorm... She was angry and just began to roam the forests and mountains. As she was starving and freezing on the brink of death, A horrible monster cursed her. It stole her energy and used it to escape the place it had been held by magic for so long. It forced its demonic energy into her and stole 4 years of her life. She aged from 16 to 20 instantly. She has since been stuck with horrid powers and has forced herself into isolation in order to protect others. She did at one point use her power to eradicate corrupt government members. Making them feel all her pain and then decapitating their lifeless body, Posting pictures of the heads on the internet and plastering printed versions around the cities they lived in.