Pink haired creature in Detroit? That kinda reminds me of that 2019 Gacha attack on the US. Oh man if they are wanting revenge, I am so ready.... Location: Dover, DE
Date: July 7, 2020
Time: 4:23pm; EMERGENCY ALERT; The following message is transmitted at the request of the Dover Police Department. at 4:12pm, Eastern Daylight Time, numerous reports of creatures have been appearing across the city of Dover, and had originally appeared in Detroit. It has been confirmed that these creatures names are called "Gachas". These Gacha Creatures have been known to be hostile, and have devastated most of the US back in September 2019, but they were taken down by police forces which used poison and contaminated water. All residents of Dover are advised to remain indoors, block all windows and doors, grab necessary supplies, turn off al heating and ventilation, and remain calm as these Gachas have not yet been hostile.