" I wIlL BaN Yu FOr Dm MeSSaging WhEn U SaY iTs PrIvAte BuT yU NeVeR BRaKe RuEs! "; " Just because I can run the server better than you does not give you the right to bash me with ban threats. "; " This server is private, I will not DM advertize, this is because your going to be jealous about my server going to eventually get more players "; " You dont give players freedom of speech and segregate players for speaking other languages, your basicly a dictator, I give freedom to speak other languages, unlike you. Your server needs to die out for what you do. "; " Windows7Ultimate, server owner that threatened to ban ME ( the creator of this meme), what gave you the right to bash me with ban threats for hosting a private smp for a few of my friends, you don't give an ounce of freedom to your players, you segregate people for speaking other languages, I give freedom to speak any language you want. Unlike you, I can run the server better than you! I use Free hosting while you PAY for your hosting! so try and beat that! "