1. Yes they do.
Are you working? If you have to commute to work, odds are its service work, which requires a mask anyway. If that's the case find work from home. Are you shopping? Have it delivered. Live with family or in a group home? There are people who can do these things for you anyway.
2. While true that not all autism is the same, in fact it rarely is, it is shown that a greater majority of autistic individuals do adapt. My son was classified as moderate autistic and was able to adapt within three weeks last year.what is true is that given enough practice and routine, you can adapt as well; Ibelieve in you. Find a support group to help you transition into mask usage.
3. Most often, things can get delivered to you. Most government tasks can now be done remotely as well as all of your appointments by zoom.
4. It is.
5. No, it doesn't always work. What kind of free ride are you talking about? We honestly can't speculate on external circumstances beyond what we see in the video. Based on her language, and reasoning, psychological profile suggests she's just a Karen.
In this situation of a pandemic, there is never a need to be exempt. In cities like this where there is a mandate, you can be sure they have resources to help you do what you need to do.
I get what you're saying. Admittedly, my language could be taken as a little condescending, though it wasn't intended that way. The point I was attempting to make is that there's always a way around.