1. I didn't, haven't, and won't, throw(n) a tantrum whenever you disagree.
2. I'm not spamming the stream. This is a SINGLE POST I have made on this stream. Plus, I'm just sharing my views. What's wrong with that?
3.Even I think zodiacs are kinda cool, but if you take these seriously and start saying they're going to decide how you act and what you do, THEY WILL NOT. These are only some nicely arranged stars, they can't and won't decide your life.
4. IN MY OPINION, you're the one that's throwing the hissy fit/tantrum whenever someone (or me, in this case) disagrees. Your comment was really aggressive, =see it here:
"do i look like i care? you're not convincing anyone just by spamming a stream and throwing tantrums every time someone disagrees with you. people who like zodiac signs aren't hurting anyone and if you actually have a life, you should stop acting like a spoiled child and mind your own f**king business."
All I see is a "tantrum" in your message. You aren't going out of your way to convince me/prove your claim, you're just insulting me, and as you said, throwing a "tantrum".
+I'm not trying to be sarcastic, mean, dominating, demeaning, or sassy in this entire comment/reply: I genuinely want to see your proof for your claim. I'm quite interested. So in yourrepky, try not to be sarcastic, mean, dominating, demeaning, or sassy, just tell me why you believe in your claim. I'd love to know.