what's really funny about this statement is 150 years ago, they were predicting at that time, based on a 1 degree uptick in the temp that humans were destroying the planet. Then again, in the 70's - the MSM was preparing us for the inevitable ice age which was coming.
Science however, based on samples taken from massive ice sheets around the world clearly indicates there are extreme swings in weather patterns and now, they even realize, due to the poles shifting that the wind patterns which travel in an East/West pattern are now moving in a North/South pattern, which is a relatively new scientific discovery.
When the poles do eventually swap, which ice samples indicate happened around 25,000 years ago, science cannot say with certainty what effect it will have on the weather.
I like science. I hate politicians and the mainstream media.
When you realize we're mere gnats on an elephants ass, we can all get back to living. Which will not happen because as has been laid out in the great reset, first they introduce a virus and when it plays out and the fear wears off - you introduce climate change. This has been in the works for 30 years now.
Check out this video. It's in Turkish but I've had a native friend confirm the translation. And in the past few days - Kamala has blamed the border crisis on - climate change and AOC just stated that racism is caused by - climate change. It's another control mechanism to keep us scared.