Okay, so I need to say some shit and let y'all know a couple things. One, I'm going back FULL TIME on April 15th, in three days, so I'll be on way less. Two, I'm behind on my school work so I need to get that done, meaning I'll be on even less, and three. My mom is getting suspicious about all my computer time, so I'll be on even even less. I'm really sorry y'all. Tomorrow and the next day, I'll be on a lot, but after that I'll mostly be on in the afternoons, sneaking on my computer. So don't worry if I'm not on as much, I'll try to check my dms a lot, and I'll be on tutturu/Invited/Ashes Town sometimes, and Imgflip, so if you want to say hi, dm me or go to any of those sites when I'm online. I love y'all, you've been one of the best things that has happened to me. ~Fallen