Ok, this shit has me a little pissed, I'm sure Camel, Narwhal, and Rose are in agreement that this is wrong.
Stop. Shipping. Two. Taken. People. Who. Are. F**king. Loyal.
I'm sure I'm probably taking this over the edge, but this needs to stop, like now.
Rose is already upset about it and some of this reaction crap doesn't make it better, this was a harmless joke and now it's escalating and it has got to stop. I'm not calling names, but you two know who you are, You both went a bit overboard with the pressure and it's honestly spilled a bad vibe, shipping two people, joke or not, who are loyal and dedicated is straight up wrong. And has got to f**king stop. Narwhal and I are loyal to our own people whom are Rose and Camel, that ship was not only wrong, but got immature feedback from more than one individual. I care so much about rose and Narwhal cares a LOT about cam and I've seen that and respect it. So please, cut this crap and respect everyone's comfort. I know i'm saying this to stream in which lacks respect and common sense, but nonetheless. I'm saying anyway.
Thank you.