OC: Shadow
HP: 120
JUMPSCARE: His body fades and goes invisible. Opponent freezes and Shadow appears next to the opponent and re-appears, and jumpscares. DAMAGE: 30
SAMURAI: Shadow's speed increases, and Shadow combos you DAMAGE: 200
AUTO-HELP: Shadow summons SCP-096 for 3 turns. DAMAGE: 30 damage per turn
FINALE: Instant KO.
Ok your fighting my most recent creation Agent Yellow Diamond Powers: Very Strong, Very Fast, Knows every martial art ever created, Very Smart, and Knows how to handle a lot of guns (he just prefers his twin revolvers)
Welp if flames don’t work BATTER UP *Hits You With The Bat and Sends you thru a home run to SPACE* welp i think that is over *limps back home to repair his wounds*