I understand that some people may merely enjoy the more physical aspects of those relationships. For me, however, I can love a guy the same way as a woman. Additionally, in my life, the guys who I am/were interested in our understanding, and usually more understanding than a woman. And you know, I don't see why people think it is all about the physical benefits. You probably have female friends who you aren't interested in, right? and probably some you are interested in. maybe it's because they have a more compatible personality, or perhaps they look nicer, or something like that. It's mostly the same for me, but I like men and women. And I get that man and woman are "supposed" to be together, but look at humanity. We have always done things that go against nature. We put ourselves in space despite being evolved for the earth. We knock ourselves out and get cut open. Do you think humans were ever supposed to do these things? I don't. But yet, we do. So, I don't care if you think it's wrong, because, to me it is just fine.