It is not wrong to be gay (of course, it isn't right), but instead, it is wrong to engage in homosexual behavior (as in, sexually, such as intercourse). Also, mind you, nobody is born what they are- they, or others, blaze that trail. If you end up working at McD's in your eighties, you can't blame the way you were born for bringing you there- it was the will and work effort that yourself and others failed to raise in you. Of course, the way you were wired at birth is important, but psychological differences are not there at birth. Some way or another it appeared. Someone cannot be born into a sexuality, as when you are born, how can you know about sexuality? You are born pure of heart in every way, and that gets corrupted along the way (not to suggest that homosexuality is corrupt like that, just stating it as part of the metaphor). RuPaul wasn't born and immediately said he wanted to be a drag queen. It happened somewhere along the line. The fact that people change sexuality is testament to that.
Also, believing homosexuality is wrong, but not the people, is not homophobia. I have, many times, been good friends with a gay man. Homophobia, as defined by Oxford Dictionary, is "dislike or prejudice against gay people". Saying that I do not approve of or condone the way they live is not homophobic, but of course, maybe you posted this just to call people of faith homophobic? Who knows? Don't ask someone a question and then judge them on their answer. I told you how we feel about it, and that's how we feel. Faiths have deeply engrained beliefs that are products of their time- just be glad Christians could adapt. In Islam, gay men are disowned, and often slain for bringing dishonor. do you see us doing that? I don't care about who you are, what you are, what you look like, or anything- I will treat and judge all as though they are one in the same.