There's nothing I can do, if furret pills don't work.
If you're having a bad reaction IRL, call your doctor or hospital. They have 24 nurse consultations now.
Take these furret pillz! They will cure you right up. Or kill you. One or the other...
1 up, 4y
I don’t think that can help me. I think I did some damage to my brain. I’m not joking in the slightest. I’m all shaky and my vision is still a bit weird. And my brain just feels slow. Idk what to do. Please help
I doubt it, but either way, I need the views. My original meme templates are getting no views. People aren't interested in OCs & obscure Simpsons references.
So if low effort 'dark humor' memes can get 100 views, I'll keep making em.
its a good recipe, but there is a part where he puts 1/4 teaspoon of intestinal fluid. i think 1/3 is a better amount, because it ties the flavor of the blood and stomach lining much better.