Well, I'm bisexual, And I get A TON of hate. When I have a crush on a girl, my friends call me gay and then laugh like it's funny, but deep down, I wish I could smack them. People say I'm confused, or "Just pick a gender' but I don't prefer just one. And honestly, almost every guy I've dated ended in a fight. I've dated 4 girls(My gender) and They lasted 4 months to a year. Guys last 2-5 months. THE LONGEST RELATIONSHIP I'VE EVER HAD WAS WITH A GIRL. I'm not discriminating against anyone, but PLEASE. STOP.THE.BULLYING.
p.s If an LGBTQ hater sees this, Please know I will find you, I will...uh.....I WILL DO SOMETHING. ITS SO BAD I DON'T EVEN KNOW
(lol I'll probs just call you an asshole, but yeah)
Thanks for wasting time reading this!