You guys put the cereal first? I first put the Universe, before the Colossal Galaxy Clusters, before the Super Galaxy Clusters, before the Galaxy Clusters, before the Galaxy, before the Milky Way, before the Solar System, before Pluto, before Neptune, before Uranus, before Saturn, before Jupiter, before Mars, before The Moon, before Earth, before Venus, before Mercury, before The Sun, before the ocean, before the land, before the sand, before the trees, before the grass, before the stone, before the roads, before the concrete, before the drive throughs, before the stores, before the sidewalks, before the buildings, before the cars, before the technology, before the houses, before the foundation, before the walls, before the floor, before the doors, before the roof, before the ceiling, before the windows, before the table, before the fridge, before the chair, before the bowl, before the milk container, before the milk, before the cereal, and before the spoon.