A monk called Nicholas who became a saint, (no proof he really existed) which then brings up this related god thing, a deity belonging to another myth, no more real than any of the other millions of gods that have been before and those that are still to come. People just make things fit, Once you stop using myths to assert yourself as to who or what you are then you will find the real you. Unfortunately this will not make you happy because you will realise you are one of two genders with a sexual orientation that gives you your own pleasure which then makes you so unhappy you will create a alter ego which allows you to exist as a banner waving insecure self labelled paranoid member of the human race just like everybody else, the universe is full of paranoia. I'm a Philosopher, I live permanently on the Gravy Train because half the time I'm paid for proving that there is a god to those that want to believe in one and the other half proving to non-believers there isn't...
Imgflip started as a fun meme site which has descended into an outlet for the insecure failings of a society in collapse, why? you may ask. Because that's what makes the most money.