(wait, was the SCP number I chose already taken? Shoot.... Well basically, Jemy is a 10 year old girl with the power to summon anything from a story or book, even mangas and comics. She was 4 when she first discovered that power, she accidentally summoned a monster which killed every single child within the area. When the SCP foundation arrived, Jemy was crying behind a tree, the book she summoned the monster from was ripped into shreds, and the monster disappeared. When Jemy first arrived at the SCP foundation, she was classified as Keter. But even as she was trapped in her small containment cell, she pursued her dreams to become a hero and trained her power everyday thinking the foundation would set her free if she had full control of her power. After 3 years of training, she finally was able to control her power, so the foundation classified her as safe, free to roam the base whenever she wants, but still not allowed to go back to her city. She made friends with some of the other SCPs, such as SCP-999 and SCP-53. She still trains hard to control her powers.)