I am grateful you have chosen to engage. Please specify how standing up for an individuals home implies stupidity. Also the system of which you speak is a system built on law and order, and set up to be applied in a manner that demands equality. I am sure we can both agree that the execution of this system has poor practitioners which should be held accountable, but as statistics will demonstrate these unfortunates are far from the norm. America has aspired since its birth to become the safest, most prosperous, and free nation, for all of its Citizens, under the Constitution of the United States. It is worth respecting, protecting, and improving for future generations. While I respect your freedom to have a different opinion, I would urge you to be grateful for Our Country, for having a differing opinion is not "permitted" in some other lands. I do believe N. Korea may let you in, if that is indeed a Country more to your liking...or they might shoot you...I hear it's dangerous there. May God Bless you.