And if the person is not guilty of any crime they often don't get their property back, thus theft. Then on top of that back in the early 2000's the Supreme Court expanded the definition of imminent domain to allow the government to claim your property if that property would be more profitable for the government in tax revenues.
Taxes are what regular people pay because if they don't they go to prison. That's the only reason why I pay taxes. When a Democrat politician proposes to tax (because we all have to pay or unfair confiscation...oops I meant to say fair share) what they should do is 1) only increase taxes on Democrats or 2) make that additional tax voluntary.
Actually all taxes should be voluntary and the government needs to be forced to live within its means. Why should the American people be forced to live within our means after the government confiscates a portion of our income (plus the gazillion other taxes we are forced to pay)? They serve us, not the other way around.