I didn’t want to make an image because procrastinating; Depends who it is; Secondary Cardboard Person; Once again, depends who it is; Earth; Basically what all the primary cardboard people have; They actually aren’t weak to water, the armor is waterproof so I don’t know what to put here. Sooooooo it depends who it is? The secondary species was made by a human and a primary cardboard person having a child, and then I guess it was allowed to happen. Unlike the primary cardboard people, secondary cardboard people have they’re mouth attached to they’re helmet, along with other body parts attached to they’re armor such as arms and legs. The hands and feet come out of the armor like the primaries, but with the armor isn’t able to come off, which is slightly confusing if you don’t know how the anatomy works. They breath and hear through small holes within the helmet that are almost impossible to see. The eyes are very confusing and nobody knows how they work yet, but one day we might find out. The armor fuses in where the “parts” are letting them “do what the need to do” and “do the thing”. The armor is also water proof, so if you where a bit confused on if they are weak to water, they aren’t. There isn’t really anything else to say about them, other then they are hated by the primaries because they are different, so we got a racism thing going in between all of them-