Full Story:
Mech: We’ve obtained the milk, I suggest we evacuate the area immediately.
Commander: Affirmative, We’ll send the ship.
Soldier: Roger that commander The milk is secure. Repeat, The milk is secure.
Commander: Love to hear it.
Bad guy: Hand over the milk
*Bad guy group approaches
Soldier: *pushes Reinforcements button*
Commander: QUICK, send them in. WE NEED THIS HEAVY PACKAGE.
Captain: Umm, Josh it’s a pack of milk
* reinforcements storm in*
*Firing commences*
Soldier: Alright let’s go
Commander: Soldier! Ship is ready at your disposal
Soldier: Roger Roger!
*Ship flys near soldier*
*Soldier jumps*
15 min later
Commander: Excellent Job soldier, Get ready for your promotion!
Captain: Commander, He delivered a glass of milk, that it
Commander: But look how he did it!
Captain: (Reality): He just went to the store, Ran away from kids wanting the choccy milk, WE LITERALLY CALLED AN ARMY TO SHOOT THE KIDS FOR MILK, AND WE DIDNT EVEN HAVE A SHIP, HE JUST GRABBED A RANDOM BIKE, HOW DOES HE GET AN PROMOTION!?
Commander: Pretty cool right. It was some hard work
Ok now you guys can create the story yourselves! Explain what happens next!