Name: Evelyn (both)
Diagnosis: Split personality or Schizophrenia (unknown so far) and Anxiety
Activities: Sitting and talking to walls...
Status: Alive. (not blind btw lol) Not getting any better.
Michelle: "TIME TO BUST SOMEONE OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lucille: "shut up"
Michelle: "I'll kill you slower and painful than the asylum tortured me"
PPM-133: "Lucille you should listen to Michelle"
Lucille: "hmph"
PPM-133: *pulls out gun* L.I.S.T.E.N"
Lucille: "FINE :("
Lucy: "Hey kid!"
Aster: "why did I come..."
Lucille: "Michelle is just an idiot"
PPM-133: "no wonder Michelle hates you" *points gun at Lucille's head*
Lucille: "sorry geez"
Michelle: "This is also why you're my second trusted. any ways of course, not I really just want kids to be happier I also hate this place I was forced here for 4 years!"
Michelle: "Hmmmm should we?"
Lucille: "NO"
PPM-133: "Listen to Michelle"
Michelle: " we should take the child!"
Lucy: "could we send Michelle back to the asylum?"
Aster: "meh"
Michelle: "NUH UH"
Lucy: " maybe we should bring Michelle back to the asylum"
Aster: "sure"
PPM-133: "do you want to die?"
PPM-133: "you better be"
Lucille: "aight let's take kid then the file said she has a twin right?"