Cringe dances, bad fortnite mobile players, just cringe in general
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My reason is because the group of people that are obsessed with it are the same group of people that are cliqueish, mean, self absorbed, prissy know-it-alls that bully someone if they look or act different than them.
I know im gonna get a lot of hate for this, but thats not true for everyone. Really funny videos make my day on TikTok and millions of other people like them. The TikTok algorithm is different because it takes the videos that you like and enjoy and put more of those on your for you page. It's not all Charli Di Ameilio and how she vapes or anything, it's about what the person that holds the phone in their hands likes
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Lol I recognize the fact that there are really sweet things on there, and I totes agree!. My original comment was just a reason why people would dislike tictok as a whole.