Wow. That is a pure example of straw man and fallacies of presumption. Science = atheism has no truth merit unless you defend it, which you cannot because no one can prove evolution is true.
Second, you mean evolution. Atheism is a belief, not a science. And some would argue it’s just as much a religion as any monotheistic or polytheistic religion is, since the science department is so desperate for it to be true that they constantly try to find ways to shoe-horn it into being true (which fails miserably).
Thirdly, science has been flawed throughout history, so “believing in science” is flat out stupid. Unless you’re suggesting it’s smart to believe in things that we know aren’t always true. And I don’t have much faith (meaning trust in this sense), so that doesn’t work for me and shouldn’t work for anyone who is reasonable. I believe science should be used to come to valuable conclusions, but I also believe in usage of responsible science. The mainstream science taught in schools is not responsible science. School textbooks teach disproven information. And only accepting things as science if they support your theory is biased science, not responsible science. And this is what scientists these days do. Science and religion are not opposites.
Fourth, not all Trump supporters are even Christian, Muslim, etc. Matter of fact, many Trump supporting conservatives that I listen to are people that I do not believe have any concept of God in their lives. And plenty of them are pro-LGBTQ+ (or at least pro-gay) and not Christian. To suggest all Trump supporters believe in a God shows you don’t know very much about conservatives, which isn’t surprising, since the news media simply tells us what to believe about conservatives. They’re the ones that act like Trump got into office because of white Christian males, while they themselves edit out people of color from pictures of his rallies so you won’t see the black or indian or hispanic females present.
There’s a lot more to say to this, but I’ll end here.