The violence is a Tad overboard? You call fires, looting, murder, beating up civilians a "Tad overboard"?
Not sure if you noticed but there are a lot of famous black athletes, actors, actresses, and scientists who have made significant progress. The reason they are famous is because they made a living based off their talent, Innovating new ideas, and they make a lot of money doing it because they DID something with their life... Many of them even make more than white people do.
Your talking about how it was before the civil rights movement. aka, (Segregation). Let me ask you: Do you still feel oppressed? You could try living in the shoes of a helpless slave in chains, but no you don't. You're a free man. You could have the power to go into the world and do something great, make a living, start a family. But only if You focus on school. Focus on achievements you want to make in life. Get a job, Start a family. Encouraging and supporting violence is not the way.
Its not the 1700's is it? Its the 21st century. Slaves back then had to eat from pig troughs, and worked from sun up to sun down and whipped constantly. Today, you have a family, you live in a house. You want to know who really is oppressed? The homeless population, people who have no loved ones, food, or houses. Knowing history is important, because we learn from it. We learn what is right and whats wrong. And we have changed. America has abolished slavery.
Oh by the way, since your bad at history let me show you some little known facts:
-Democrats were the ones who started the KKK and supported it for years.
-Some of the first black congressmen in government were right leaning
-Not all slaves were black. In fact, slaves of many ethnicities have existed for thousands of years, in other countries and cultures.
-African Tribes sold the weakest of their members to slavery
-There were black slave owners as well