All of you posting these rubbish comments about how socialized medicine has failed...thousands of times a day, across the world, across the border from you, for that matter, it does just the opposite. Are there waiting lists? Yes; people are triaged based on urgency. If you need a triple bypass to not die the day after tomorrow, you get first in line. Got a non-metastasizing cancerous tumor controlled by chemo? We gotta postpone you for this other person's liver transplant.
We pay for all medical services - or nearly all - through our taxes. The pooled taxes of tens of millions of Canadians go into a medical system under constant evolution and expansion to meet the needs of the population - in multiple languages, cultures, and free of direct charge to the public.
See, when you don't spend most of your budget making sure you can blow the most stuff up, you can actually afford to provide taxpayer-sponsored health care to absolutely everyone; no one gets priority over anyone else because of race, political status, religion...just who needs fixing the most badly the soonest. Elective surgery waiting lists are longer, but again, that face-lift is going to have to wait longer than that poor b@stard's kidney stones.
The system runs over-budget? Yep...because sometimes we prioritize the wrong things in the budget, or sometimes pandemics happen. And the system gets stretched to the breaking point...but the center holds...our Covid-19 numbers are NOTHING compared to yours; our testing and vaccination programs organized according to demographic need and not according to political whim; our leaders own up when they make mistakes, and face the consequences. When was the last time anyone on the American Right was able to do the same?
Socialized medicine WORKS. It's not making anyone dependant on the system - IT MEANS THEY GET THE MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS THEIR TAXES PAY FOR!
If your taxes don't go toward helping you when life rolls you over and plays hide the knish with your beer can koozie, what in the hell is the point of PAYING taxes?
I don't DEPEND on the government to survive; but when I can't stand up on my own two feet because I'm sick, because the economy tanked and I'm out of work, or if some unforeseen tragedy happens, I'm sure as hell glad to know that I CAN depend on my Government to help ME out.
Who does YOUR government bail out, again, during times of national crisis? Oh yeah, that's right: The Stock Market, Corporate interests, and Banks.