Is your question back to front?
Who do you mean is being disrespected, Linda Blair?
You can't mean Joe Biden but you must be.
Even though with what all the bullshit applied to his republican opposition for 5 plus years from democrats and the majority of the msm you find this disrespectful, how odd. And how odd that you will not see the hypocrisy i feel toward those who said nothing for 5 years but find it disrespectful now.
If you think it's of any interest what Biden's favorite flavor of ice-cream is like the MSM does and you think softball questions asked in advance and then answered by teleprompter is a sign of a competent leader and that it is more important to ask questions about his food preferences than actual Presidential questions. Then you deserve a serve of pralines and D**k Ice-cream like Slow Biden eats.
The MSM was and still is creating /making up stupid stories about Trump like how he got 2 scoops of ice-cream and everybody else at the table was only allowed one. That A grade dumbassery was allowed and accepted by almost all Democrats as fact/s. So I have no problem hanging shit on Biden, a guy who clearly shouldn't be in the job and only is because his enormously inflated ego didn't stop him from accepting a position which others wanted him to fulfill for ulterior motives and which he always hoped to be able to do further exacerbating the desire in him to do a job he was never capable of. Unfortunately for us and the world the job even if Joe were fitter of mind and body the job is beyond any actual accomplishments he ever did in life he can be read from interviews and congressional records as someone who was there for what the country can do for him, just for the money and his record substantiates this. He is not president for the service of anyone but himself. He isn't intelligent enough to do the job, he never was.He was always a liar and at the bottom of any class he attended not to mention his academic plagiarism as well as professional plagiarism.
Those who made up the shit and the readers of the shit should now reap what they sowed and get to read everyday some stupid comment or statement misconstrued or made up out of thin air but they won't get that from the MSM. Unfortunately for you Joe and Kama la are ripe for content and if you dislike people hammering the shit out of them, then best avoid reading too many comments or memes in the political streams and stick to MSM articles which won't offend your sensibilities..