That happened when my mom and my teacher were talking.
So it was like in 3rd or 4th grade and before the parent-teacher interview, these older kids were selling popcorn. I had 5 dollars in my pocket (Key: It was a 5 dollar bill. Meaning it was a paper, not a bunch of coins) and took it out. So my sister wanted some and I didn't want popcorn. My mom told me to give the five dollars to my sister (Keep in mind I was already upset that I had to give up 5 dollars for that little shit I call my sister) and she'll give me a 5 dollars back. My mom then gave me the coins that was still equivalent to 5 dollars but I wanted the paper bill of 5 dollars (Because I seemed, "Richer"). So I threw a tantrum and I took my sister's popcorn and proceeded to eat it. Then we had to go see my teacher first (I had red rings around my eyes because I was mad and crying) and my teacher asked how I was doing. I said, "Good" because I couldn't bring myself to tell the old hag that I just cried over 5 dollars. I never went to parent-teacher interviews again and my mom always brought home popcorn from Kernels down the street. It was a lovely evening.