Honestly I have no idea, I mean, think about it, I only had 340k points early last month and now I have 1.15 million. How did I get that many you may ask? Well I had a 1 or 2 week time period where every day I was submitting 2 text message memes in fun. And I got at least 1,000 upvote on each of them for a week straight. Remember: 1,000 upvotes = 40,000 points. I was on the leaderboard for the first time that week too. Something I had never had before. Eventually I made my way up to the top 250 leaderboard and here I am now. Now I know that you didn’t ask this, but the trick to getting memes on front page is submitting at 6 am EST. That is the time that everyone is waking up and getting on imgflip for the first time that morning. Another thing to add to that is always reply to all the comments that you get on your memes, it will gain attention because then you will get more popular and people will even upvote your comments. It is also considered good meme etiquette to upvote comments that you reply too. I think of funny things in my head sometimes and immediately rush over here to make it into a meme. A tip that you can use if you think of something funny in your head and you want to submit it to the fun stream but you have no more submissions for the day is to go into the generator and make that meme and save it as a reference for when you can submit it the next day. Do not post the reference one as it will not get as popular bc it will be to long a time period to submit a 18 hour+ meme. Anywaysssss, I have no idea how I think of very good memes like that I just use my head and google lol :) I hope that answered some questions even if you didn’t ask them. :D