CHAPTER 1; Tommy was sitting in his room when all of a sudden a girl named Neko came in. After they introduced themselves Neko asked Tommy “what is your quirk?” Tommy did not know what his quirk was. Tommy tried to set a table on fire but it did not work. Then Tommy tried freezing the table and it worked. Neko and Tommy were so excited. Both of them went to the kitchen. Tommy accidentally set the kitchen on fire as he did not know about his fire quirk. Almost everyone ran out of the building. Neko relized that people were still inside so she decided to run into the flaming building. Tommy quickly ran after his friend. Neko and Tommy started coughing from all the smoke. After everyone left the building Neko and Tommy went to the recovery girl. Once they were feeling better they went to a cafe. They both played games on their phones until the cafe closed. They both went home, hoping to see each other tomorrow.