I'm not going to be active on this stream at all, I'll still be approving images but not going on the stream to upvote, comment, or make images. I may leave the LGBTQ stream too. no offense but y'all get a bit dramatic sometimes or I just don't like some of the stuff that ends up on here, like some of the comments or images. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love some of you that actually try to make things better and more enjoyable and fun for everyone and I consider people like you my friends. But I really just need to leave. also I'm not mad at the people who post stuff about their issues, I'm just disappointed at the people who get mean, aggressive, or exhibit toxic behavior. I hope all of you that are good to everyone have a very lovely day or night and I give you all my love and support. -Picciona; ps: mods I'll still be willing to help you if anything goes wrong, just ask