1. No
2. To protect the users of this website
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No
7. I love drawing and I might not be here a lot fyi
8. I will protect it as much as I can, the amount that captain levi protects the humans from the titans
9. I want to serve as a guardian and protect the users from bad people such as MAPS, homophobes, and other trollers and such. I want to make sure this site is all memes and vibes
10. Yes
11. Yes I did, I have a few questions though
Question 1, what do I call a higher rank who isn't a sir or madam?
And is it ok if I ask more questions aong the way? And also it might be hard for me to get online when war is happening, if it's ok. But I'll try to be online then since I go to in person school.
Reporting for duty sir or madam!