No uh- I’m just uncomfortable.8min
What happened last night broke my limits.8min
I know.7min
Our relationship is weird, I get that.7min
I don’t want a relationship anymore.7min
Ever since you confessed, I figured we'd split again. So .. I'm not mad.7min
Even the way you portray Ike and Marth — it makes me uncomfortable.6min
If not lovers, is it impossible to still just.. y'know, keep in contact like we did originally?6min
I wanna better my characters.6min
No, I — really wanna break off.6min
I .. understand that.6min
We can contact in ohg but uh— I’d rather break off.6min
That's fine.6min
No, no - you don't need to contact me if that's the case.5min
Uh yeah I don’t want to.5min
Still, if you decide to return, I'll invite you back. Otherwise, I expect that this is our last talk. Sorry to hear that this is happening. Kinda unexpected haha.. Cya I guess.5min
Uhhh. Yeah- guilt tripping isn’t — working. I’m gonna go. Don’t expect me to return.4min
I ain't guilt trippin, El.4min
Just.. cya.3min