`` Ceru `` (My second alias)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Species: Human. 100%.
Eye color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Dark Brown
Siblings: None
Sexuality: Bisexual
Usual personality: Physically incapable of not getting nervous of talking to people. Really likes going online a lot, and has a usual personality swap every once in a while. Of course, this is not a disorder. It's a phase. Ceru lives a mediocre life and has art and music interests. Oh and Ceru is a Fire Emblem trash bin. She stans Ike and Eliwood and literally everyone else.
Likes: Fire Emblem, RPGs, Art, Music, Video Games, Writing stories, Reading stories, sleeping, eating, roleplay, COFFEE.
Dislikes: Toxic drama, death, explicit photos of porn.
Quote: `` I fight for my friends but I have none, do I? ``
Key note: Ceru roleplays as Ike alot, and is familiar with gore and angst roleplay. She sometimes likes soft roleplay.