Sorry If you felt like I was "Attacking you" But actually I took down the image you had used and posted more furry stuff to make you feel better... I was just pissy about it cuz I'm moody. So I did what you asked and you STILL call me out...
Although this is a funny meme in the future if you have an issue with me DO NOT publicize it. Instead, you come and talk to me like a Responsible human. Do we fire people out loud in front of everyone or call a kid retarded for doing something wrong in front of everyone? Not if you're a decent person! So yes it did upset me. Trolls don't make me mad. It's the people I consider my family that I worry about and get angry about.
Sorry if I upset you I just feel like I get a lot of unnecessary Criticism from you That's unwanted and makes me feel like you Judge me too much and that I'm a mess-up. I get enough of that from my real family and sometimes when you guys do it it's alright. Thing is I was already on edge about posting that second one and when I got criticized PUBLICLY for it, it made me upset. Maybe I overreacted. Have a nice day. I love you <3