Even a relationship between a King and his subjects requires cooperation between both of them, despite it being a superior-subordinate relationship.
Of course it can't. No power of hell or scheme of man can thwart it. God, being all knowing and sovereign over all things, cannot be stopped or delayed. We know that God works all things for the good of those who love Him. The thing is, God, being an utterly good and holy Being, cannot orchestrate evil, even to work it for good. But He knows it before it happens, and He works it in the fabric of history to make the best outcome.
Of course. He is the arbitrator of Truth and Justice, making Him the ultimate Judge. And it all depends on one thing: whether the one being judged accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.
That means we have some say in the matter. One is not held responsible for an act they were forced to commit.
Again, it pivots on a cooperation between God's sovereignty and human choices. While He sees what choices we make before we make them, we still make those choices, independent of, though often influenced by, physical and spiritual factors. Sins aren't commited in defiance of God's ultimate plan, but it is in defiance of what He desires for us.
I recognize the apparent lack of Scripture in my replies, and my apologies for that. I'll try to amend that here: "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:8-10, NIV)." This verse demonstrates that God desires that all come to Him in repentance. However, this means that either salvation is universal (which we know it's not), or humans have the ability to chose their master. Otherwise, He is not the loving Father He has said He is (but we know God doesn't lie).