Actually, you do need 700 burritos to break the magical barrier cast by the child under you bed then you'll be led to the Harmoni river by your local faun, but in order for him/her to lead you, you must pay up 20 burritos. Once you've reached the Harmoni river, you must pay amazon to use it, but it wont let you until you bring back Jimmy. Jimmy will want you to do several tasks first before he comes back. The first task will be to pay him 200 burritos, once you do so, Jimmy will ask you to do his math homework, if you manage to do his math homework, then you must go to the second universe and retrieve 500 burritos then give them to Jimmy, but like blaze said, there is a skeleton shooting lasers at the moon, so you must be careful. Once you've returned to Jimmy, he will come back to amazon. Then to buy a human soul for yourself, you have to pay up 10,000 burritos. So the cost of that would be the grand total of 11420.