First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." So speech and press are both protected under the first amendment #knowyourconstitution
Not that you'll actually believe the evidence before your eyes...
"Throw him out."
"Attacking the press."
Donald Trump calling the press "enemy of the people." This is a Fox Business interview with John Fund, a National Review columnist who cites that mainstream media is no longer news since "news" is instant and at our fingertips. The role now of mainstream media is news analysis and political commentary - claiming that its news when it actually isn't. He states that it is true NYT is hostile to Donald Trump. However, he adds that Donald Trump believes that criticism is illegitimate.
I would like to add that criticism is the very purpose that news exists. The right to a free press includes the right to criticize you of your words and your actions. Is it possible that there is misinformation in what they say? Absolutely, a lot of news networks as a whole misrepresent the facts. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. They report on what they interpret as to be vital. It's your responsibility as the reader to look into what you read. After all, you don't want to be a sheep, right? Don't believe everything you read. What pisses off Donald Trump, is that they're not telling the stories he wants them to tell and that is not within his jurisdiction of governance.
There are also many other instances cited across the internet that cites Trump calling the press "an enemy of the people." That is, if Fox Business is insufficient. I found articles by Rueters, videos by CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CBC, CBS. I am sure you can find a screenshot of him saying it.
I think I'm running out of room and I have completely and fully backed up my claims. Again, not that you actually checked me completely and wholly debunking the royal shit out of your "censorship is a liberal value" claim, do you want me to prove the part where he tells people not to testify?