Right? Because Joe Biden in the epitome of kindness and decorum. He always acts presidential:
“Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go out and slap you in the face. - Joe Biden to voter questioning him about the second amendment.
"They asked me would I like to debate this gentleman, and I said no. I said, 'If we were in high school, I'd take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.” - Joe Biden on debating Trump.
“I walked out with the chain. I walked up to my car.” Biden on fighting a black man while in college.
“Say something nice instead of being a smart-ass all the time.” Biden at a Milwaukee custard shop when the store manager told him to lower taxes.
“You’re full of shit.” Biden to a factory worker on the campaign trail. “He’s a horse’s ass” when talking about same worker later on.
“You're a damn liar...Look fat” - Biden to old man at a campaign stop.
“This is a big f**king deal.” - Biden at the signing ceremony for health care reform.
“Give me a f**king break. - Biden to a Senate colleague who addressed him as “Mr. Vice President.”
“I’m not saying they’re not a bunch of f**kers. Mitch McConnell is terrible.” Biden deputy chief of staff.
He’s going to call you, no bullshit.” - Biden promising Pennsylvania firefighters that an aide would call to invite them to the White House.
“Who gives a shit whether you think or anybody thinks they’re going to stick to a message?” Biden when asked by reporters about whether then-Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry’s campaign was able to stay on message.