I know what you talking about. I found video on LBRY showing the blast coming from the street... Being as the whole area would have utility service tunnels and vaults it makes it clear that for a bomb to cut the electric it would have to be placed in a utility tunnel. If you look at tourist footage it appears the the bomb would have been set underground and in front of Coyote Ugly Bar. It's my opinion that there must have been two bombs because you'll notice that in the "after" footage the Coachman RV is simply gone. Not even the differential or frame is visible. So I think there must have been a second bomb in the rv that went off. The end result appears to be destroyed cable vaults meaning that the fiber optics and copper cables were destroyed, the water main must have been blown open because att said later there was three feet of water in the basement level. I don't see how one guy pulled this off without detection. And another thing; where's the footage from all the cops? All the police cars? All the camera's mounted on every building down 2nd street North? This whole thing makes more questions than answers.