Well, let's see... what I'm grateful for from this past year:
I continued on my campaign to defeat my minor depression
I entered high school;
My family went on a huge road trip around the United States that lasted 3 months, on which:
- I discovered my love for camping
- We visited the Creation Museum
- We visited the Mt. St. Helens Creation Center, where we were able to buy some books on Christian Apologetics, and two books on Biblical Hebrew (one of the first languages on my language-learning bucket list)
- I'm 95% sure I found the girl God is calling me to marry
- I was able to see friends whom I hadn't seen for years;
I was able to lay some of the groundwork for a HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) club in my community;
And, last but not least, I grew closer to the God who has sustained me through all things, and has never failed me.
As for what I'm looking forward to:
Next month, some friends and I are planning on watching a Lord of the Rings extended edition movie marathon;
I'm hoping to be able to finish gathering materials and start gathering initial membership for the aforementioned HEMA club;
My sister and I are working on plans for an MCU movie marathon;
I'm hoping to start volunteering at the local missionary community center;
I'm working on getting my engine repair business back on it's feet before spring (and therefore lawnmower season);
Getting to work on a language that will be an in-between point for Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Romanian;
Improving my French, and getting started on at least Latin, German, and Hebrew;
The mother of the girl I mentioned is making plans to move down near where our family lives. The only two variables are whether or not she gets accepted into the university she's applying to (which is likely) , and if her family is up to moving again (which is an almost certain yes);
Finishing both 9th and 10th grade in one school year;
And, last but not least, growing even closer to the God who created me, and redeemed me.
Neither of these lists are by any means conclusive, they're just what came off the top of my head.
Ælfwine Elf-friend