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Trump team lawyers, et al, now facing repercussions for their lies about voting machine fraud

Trump team lawyers, et al, now facing repercussions for their lies about voting machine fraud | REAPING WHAT THEY'VE SOWN; TRUMP CAMPAIGN & ALLIES
SUED FOR DEFAMATION DUE TO FALSE CLAIMS | image tagged in trump,election 2020,voter fraud,gop scammers,losers,the big lie | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
394 views 4 upvotes Made by Treaclemier 4 years ago in politics
2 ups, 4y,
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LOL. The liars are suing Trump for exposing them??? That's a laugh.

That is just like if a person who has been bought by China and is a former-vice president colluded with their former president and former secretary of state to pin an imaginary Russia collusion scandal on another president. Then those same three people colluded with the speaker of the House to impeach that president based on that fabricated scandal and the speaker of the house actually impeached the president knowing that the grounds for impeachment were based on a completely made up scandal.

But that would never happen here, right? Because if anyone tried to bring down a sitting president then all of the conspirators would be tried for treason, wouldn't they? And certainly the one who is owned by China would never get elected president without massive voter fraud, right? I mean, what kind of corrupt third world country would that have to be? That could never happen in America, right?

I mean.... The only way that could ever possibly happen in America is if the conspirators were Democrats and the tried to bring down a Republican president. Because we all know that Democrats can get away with murder and/or massive nationwide voter fraud without even a slap on the wrist. Especially if those conspirators were Obama, Biden and Hillary.
3 ups, 4y,
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Let me guess... you haven't read a single legal document in any of the 59 cases filed over multiple states that Trump and/or the GOP have lost due to lack of standing, merit and/or substantive evidence. You seriously believe every single judge (almost 90 of them) that have ruled on these cases, many of which are Republicans themselves and some that Trump himself appointed are all in one giant conspiracy? The fact is, not a single case could prove there was any widespread fraud at all, in any form. I suggest you go read a number of those cases and discover what the true facts are, rather than the propaganda being presented. You'll find that many of the Judges' rulings have been highly scathing about the BS the GOP have presented in Court.
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I don't trust anyone in government regardless of party. I think the worst scum of the United States has found their way into our government.

So, yes, I don't trust almost 90 judges. They may be great judges when it comes to matters of the law but this is political.

If 435 house members and 100 senators can sell us all out then I have no doubt 90 judges can also be bought off.

When I saw that Obama, Biden and Hillary had completely fabricated the Trump/Russia collusion scandal that even got Trump impeached then I can believe that any kind of crap can come out of the government. And even though it has been proven to be total fabrication Democrats still believe it. They cling to it.

The evidence of voter fraud is overwhelming. There is no excuse for any of those judges to throw out those cases.

The bigger problem is the complete refusal to even consider that their might be fraud. That should upset Democrats just as much as Republicans because it affects all of us. I know very well that if Trump had won this election the same way Biden won, Dems would have launched every type of investigation into voter fraud possible and all of the judges would be trying those cases in their courts.
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I completely agree with you that "the worst scum" has found their way into the government but not everyone is corrupt. I also agree that there's major corruption in the Dem party and that the entire Trump/Russia collusion story was a complete fabrication initiated by Hillary and supported by others based on everything I've read (from worldwide publications) about it, which was quite extensive.

Politics has always been a dirty business, which tends to attract the most morally bankrupt characters to it for self serving reasons. Unfortunately, many of those individuals often gain the highest positions in government, as they will literally do anything to achieve their ends. Most in the lower ranks however, tend to be people who genuinely do want to serve their fellow citizens and are in it for the right reasons.

I think you're right not to BLINDLY TRUST anyone in either party as many are more interested in their own self serving social, economic and/or political than anything else. Having said that, it does not mean that everything stated is always a total lie and that's why the rhetoric always needs to be researched and not taken at face value.

Trump's claims that he won the election by a landslide and that there was wide spread voter fraud is however, complete BS. I have copies of every legal document filed in every case wherein you can read the so called "evidence" presented and how each of those claims are debunked by actual evidence that disproves them. The latter facts are NEVER discussed in the right wing media and only addressed occassionally in the left wing media (which tends to focus more on the rulings made rather than the context of what's contained in the documents).

As of late, even Fox, Newsmax and OAN have all had to run retraction stories on their voting machine fraud stories due to being sued for defamation. Since then, Guiliani, Powell, and other Trump allies have also been served with lawsuits for same. There is also a push to have each of them disbarred for professional misconduct.
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I'm just not buying that it was BS. We've used Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines in this and the previous two elections. Ever since 2012 I have been hearing complains that people watched on the machines monitors votes being switched from the Republican presidential candidate to the Democrat. Those machines were created for the purpose of altering election results.

It would be very easy to know this for a fact if a judge would subpoena either company to look at their software.

I am a software developer by profession. If these machines were made to be accurate then when the first complains came out about vote switching happened in 2012 then the programmer(s) who created that glitch would have been fired and the bug would have been fixed. Instead we keep using those machines and they keep switching votes and always to Democrats.

Even IF we are going to ignore the fact that they switched votes then we should at least discontinue the use of them if there is any question at all.

Vote integrity is critical to our freedom. It is the strongest voice we have in directing our government. If there is any question at all that something is violating our voice then it should be eliminated from the system without any question. Ideally there should be an investigation into their vote irregularities. Maybe the GOP didn't present strong enough cases but that still doesn't excuse the vote irregularities by those machines, in addition to all of the other crimes that have come to light.

Just the fact that Pennsylvania's supreme courts changed election laws prior to the election is enough. It is a violation of the US Constitution. Only the state legislators can change the law. And what the state supreme court did was reprehensible. They legalized voter fraud. They said that a mail in ballot without a post mark and without a signature can be counted. Pennsylvania's votes should be discounted from the election as a whole because the judges legalized voter fraud.
0 ups, 4y,
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First off, disinformation occurs around every election and has for decades, long before voting machines were ever introduced, so you can't take any claim made at face value.

For someone who is a computer programmer by profession - wherein attention to detail and logical thinking are prerequisites to doing the job - I'm rather surprised you are not applying those very same skills in your evaluation of the facts pertaining to both Trump and the election.

One cannot ignore the fact that as early as 2016, Trump was alredy claiming the elections were rigged when Ted Cruz won Iowa and later than year claiming that if he didn't win the Presidency, it was because of massive voter fraud. Even after he won due solely to the electoral college, he proclaimed he'd won the popular vote too (which he actually lost by almost 3M votes) and then went on to state how attendance at his inauguration was the largest in history (another BS story). The man is a pathological liar and malignant narcissist who is incapable of admitting any defeat. His lies have been so prevalent that the Washington Post began documenting them into a searchable database beginning January 20, 2017. As of October 16, 2020, there are 25,653 listed. Don't take my word for it though, go look for yourself.

With respect to the voting machines, there are a number of false claims made about them by Guiliani, Powell, and others, starting with who owns them, where they were developed, etc. Dominion - the machines used in the swing states plus 20 or so others - was founded 18 years ago in Toronto, Canada, by two Canadians who sold it to a US equity firm in 2018. Hugo Chavez (who died in 2013), Venezuela,and every other ludicrious claim made by Trump allies have never had any part in the development nor ownership of those machines.

Each of those machines produce a paper ballot receipt when a selection is made so that users can verify their choice was accurately recorded, which they then confirm or deny on the machine. Once confirmed a pdf copy of that ballot is produced and retained to act as a paper trail for future audits. Those paper ballots were what was used during the hand recounts in Georgia and Wisconsin to valid the results of the first count. It should also be mentioned that those machines are all air gapped and were never connected to the internet (where they could possibly be hacked).

To be continued....
0 ups, 4y,
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I never was a big Trump fan. I didn't vote for him in 2016. I wanted Ted Cruz to win the nomination. I know of all of the lies that Trump invented about Cruz. I don't remember him claiming voter fraud when Cruz won Iowa. I either never heard him say that or I forgot.

I still don't think Trump was a very good president. I just think Biden (an especially Harris after she invokes the 25th amendment on Biden) are horrible choices for president. Biden was a grifter who figured out if he got into politics he could legally grift and get paid for it. He's been a blithering idiot for the somewhere around 500 years he has been in politics. He been bought by China. He is not a Socialist but he is about a half a step to the right of Socialism.

When I read or watch news stories about people complaining that their vote being switched, I have no reason to discount their complaints and I have no way of verifying it.

I kind of think that Trump won in 2016 election also. I have no way to verify that but I do know that Democrats have been committing voter fraud for decades. I suspect the Republicans have also.

I don't care who owns Dominion or Smartmatic. I just want the source code reviewed by an independent body to prove one way or another. I think if any government agency planned on using any software for voting, the original source code should be made available to the government as part of the deal for using the software.

I have never used either machine. I have always lived where there were paper ballots. So I cannot speak personally about those machines. I don't know how the voters saw their votes switched. I think I remember back in 2012, when I first heard of vote switching, it was when they got the receipt that they saw that their votes had been switched.

Just for the sake of everyone's sanity their should be an investigation because nearly every Republican (even though I am not a Republican) is convinced that there was massive voter fraud. I pretty much expected this level of voter fraud to happen this year right after the 2016 election with the extreme hatred the left has for Trump. I have never seen a Republican president so despised by the left. When the question of voter fraud came up and had absolutely no doubt when the accusations of voter fraud came up. I mean, how can Trump get negative votes for about an hour in Wisconsin or Michigan (I don't remember which) unless there is something underhanded going on.
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I personally thought Biden was a poor choice for the Dems to endorse as their candidate as he's too entrenched in the status quo of DC in addition to his advanced age being dicey health wise. Nevertheless, the insanity that has gone over the past four years due to Trump, I take Biden over him any day.

One of main reasons why so many Republicans believed the election was rigged and there was massive fraud is because Trump kept repeating that claim for 4 years (beginning in 2016) and even stating prior to November 3rd that if he didn't win it was only because of massive voter fraud. All the right wing media echoed those claims along with him. Trump has being using the exact same political propagand tactics that Hitler and Goebells did in Germany, which is commonly known as the "Big Lie". Not sure if you're familiar with that or not but if you aren't, look it up.

With respect to the voting machines and coding, a number of documents have been presented in court pertaining to all its hardware, software, testing, validations, specs, licencings, etc. Can't remember everything they contained as it was weeks ago I read them but there was a lot of info about them that established their accuracy and reliability.

I'm not sure what you are talking about when you say "how can Trump get negative votes for about an hour..." Are you referring to when his major lead in Wisconsin / Michigan on election night dwindled in the ensuing hours post midnight? If so, that information is also addressed in legal documents. What occured was that in person ballots (which tended to favor Trump and the GOP) were counted first before any of the mail-in ballots (which tended to strongly favor Biden and the Dems) were and the number of mail-ins far exceeded in person ballots. Accordingly, Trump showed a strong lead in the beginning but that began to tilt once the mail-in ballots were tabulated and uploaded in batches throughout the night. Although Trump did gain additional votes from the mail-ins, on average there was a 1/3 ratio in favor of the Dems with them (since the Dems highly promoted using mail-in ballots while Trump ridiculed them and encouraged people to vote in person).
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Yes but I didn't listen to Trump. I spent most of his term avoiding anything he said because I just didn't like him as our president. I am not repeating what Trump said. I am just observing what I see as fact.

The fact of the matter is that if people were no so riled up against Trump then Trump would have easily defeated Biden in landslide. But every time you watch one of the late night talk shows, especially Colbert and Kimmel, their monologues were for 4 solid years nothing but Trump bashing. The news media reported every minor thing they could find out about Trump that was negative. The left was insane with their irrational hatred of Trump.

So you can't include me following Trump "propaganda". I am looking at the facts without Trump and I still see voter fraud on a scale I have never seen before.

If they didn't subpoena the software and have an independent programmer examine the original source code then nothing else that they did in court matters. They can hide voter fraud everywhere else on those machines but they cannot hide it in the software. The software IS the smoking gun. It has to be the original source code because new source code can be substituted making the software look valid. You cannot say that vote switching from Republican to Democrat is a glitch. It is a feature, not a glitch.

I watched a video about a week or so ago that showed Michigan's vote counts in detail. After the polls closed the numbers started doing some whacky things. At one point Trump had about -900 votes. That is an impossibility. That cannot happen under any circumstance unless there is some sort of tampering going on. There is no way a candidate's vote count can decrease let alone go negative. Vote counts are additive only. Michigan was not the only state where Trump's and Biden's numbers started dancing around in a bizarre manner until Biden all of the sudden was ahead of Trump.

I don't know if the Republicans even presented this kind of evidence to the courts. If they did and the courts dismissed the case then then are doing a huge disservice to the voting public. It is related to the mail in ballots coming after the in-person ballots but this was more than just that.

Here is the link to that video:

As it stands me and I think about half of the country will never be able to trust our election process ever again. Why even vote if the Dems are rigging the election?
0 ups, 4y,
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I stayed up all night watching the election results come in and didn't see any flipping or losses going on that such as is shown in that video. Neither has that claim been made in any legal document in anyone of the States that have been embroiled in litigation.

It's worth noting that Rumble is a right wing platform and that Dan Bongino is an investor in it, which says a lot about the crediblity of that video.

True the late night hosts and left wing media have pummelled Trump for the entire four years he's been in office but in my opinion, while some of it I thought was getting pretty ridiculous, most of it was not without merit. He really is mentally, morally, educationally, tempermentally and psychologically unfit to be in office. Had almost any other Republican gained the candidacy for the party and won in 2016, none of them would ever have been subjected to the same ridicule as there would not be a need for such.
0 ups, 4y
I think that if Ben Carson (or Herman Cain before him) had won the nomination the Republican presidential candidate the left would have been even more brutal against them. Look at how they treated Clarence Thomas when he was nominated for the Supreme Court. When anyone in your "intersectionality" groups decides to run as a Republican you guys go insane. It disgusts me.

And for all of the talk about how much the right are all "haters" I have never seen so much hatred in my life as I have seen coming out of the left in the last 40 or so years.

You guys hated Reagan. Reagan was the best president in my lifetime. He had his flaws but he was far superior to Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Clinton, Obama and Biden. He was far superior to Trump and both Bush's for that matter. It was under Reagan that I 1st heard the left talk about what the world thought about our president, like that is somehow supposed to matter. Ever since then it is always the world loves Democrats and the world hates Republicans. But like I said in another post I could not care less about the world's opinion. I don't judge their presidents or prime ministers, however, I do judge Socialist dictators. Because Socialism is a cruel system of government that enslaves those who are forced to live under it. I always find it so telling that those living in Socialist regimes do anything they can to get to America. Yet the Democrat party thinks Socialism is the greatest thing on the planet. If that is true then why are so many people willing to risk their lives to escape it? Why do so many Socialist nations have an iron curtain around their country and will shoot anyone who tries to escape? But I digress.

The hatred from the left has just grown worse with each Republican administration. When it all comes down to it, you guys hated Trump because you thought Hillary was anointed to be our next president. You didn't control the voter fraud enough to account for the electoral college. And you didn't even care that Hillary would have been the absolute worst president we have ever had. You just wanted the 1st female president soooo bad. Because it is all about their external features and never about their integrity or honesty.
0 ups, 4y
Rumble is NOT a right wing alternative. I get real tired of Rumble, MeWe, Parler, etc being called right wing. They are just the competition and that is all. What gives all of them that reputation is because they don't censor conservative speech like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. So the right has been going to alternative social media.

I left FB for that very reason. I got put in FB jail 3 times and told I was going to FB jail 3 other times but they didn't do anything. I got tired of posting something and FB putting their ridiculous and many times false "fact" check on my post. Half the time their fact check had nothing to do with what I posted.

If Dan Bongino invested in Rumble that is his prerogative. That does not mean that Rumble excludes Socialist propaganda. The alternative social media sites do not censor anyone. But then that is the difference between the right and the left. If the left hears something they don't like they want it shut down permanently. If the right hears something they don't like they just ignore it. Everyone has a right to free speech except in the minds of the left. I was shocked that Obama didn't get the "fairness"doctrine reinstated while he was president. Maybe Biden will try to get that.

I seriously doubt that if Ted Cruz was elected president the left would have acted any different and actually I think you would have hated him even more. The left is enamored with identity politics. It is all about the 1st [fill in the blank] candidate. Obama was the 1st black president. Harris will be the 1st female president. It is all about race and ethnicity with you guys. Never about qualifications. The right doesn't care about their outward appearance. They only care about the content of their character.

Cruz would have been the 1st Hispanic president and that would have driven the left out of their minds. Just like the unprecedented attack on Sarah Palin. The left was not going to put up with the 1st female vice president being a woman. They tore her and her family apart. It was sickening what you guys did to Palin. Tina Fey is the one who said "I can see Russia from my front porch" not Palin. Palin said that you can see Russia from Alaska and she never meant that as a qualification for her foreign policy. It was just an anecdote.

Continued on next post.
0 ups, 4y,
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Part 2.... You are also overlooking the fact that the only voting machines Trump, et al, had a problem with and filed lawsuits over were the ones in the swing states he lost, even though they were used in 20+ other states (many of which he won). So in essence, what he's saying is that so long as he won in a state they were used in, they were fine but there was massive fraud in all those he didn't prevail in.

Another logical fallacy about claims of mass voter fraud is the fact that Republicans actually gained seats in both the house and legislatures while also retaining the Senate (for now) somehow. None of that would have been possible had there in fact been massive voter fraud.

The reality is, the majority of US citizens have been totalled disgusted by Trump actions, antics, and policies over the past four years and were determined to get him out of office, so showed up in unprecedented droves to vote him out. Many of those who voted were not so much in favour of Biden but rather, a rejection of Trump and his cohorts.
0 ups, 4y,
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The fact that Trump only targeted the swing states is no different than Al Gore targeting only specific counties in Florida for a recount. That is just politics. I know they were used in more states then just the swing state. Reports of vote switching came from all of those states.

That is not a logical fallacy if the machines were programmed to focus only on certain races. For example their were complaints out of Georgia about their senate race in addition to the presidential race. These machines are programmable switch votes on any race. It would only be a logical fallacy if the machines were programmed in such a way that it only switch votes based on party.

I do not buy that they majority of the nation was disgusted by Trump. Not by a long shot. Trump got 7 million more votes this election then he did in 2016. Among the majority of Republicans he was more popular than Reagan. That man was idolized. He was a hero to the right the way he beat up the press. Like I said previously, I never cared much for Trump. I didn't vote for him in 2016 and I really only voted for him this time because the party I am a member of (the Constitution Party) didn't have a candidate that I liked. I never took the time to look into the Libertarian candidate this year to know what she stood for. So I voted for Trump more in protest to Biden than support for Trump. Trump pulled in a lot of Democrat votes this election. More so than in 2016.

Honestly I just do not understand how anyone in their right mind could for for Biden. When Obama chose him as his running mate I thought to myself that Biden was his insurance policy. Biden was so stupid that even the most crazed psychopath would have to think twice before shooting Obama. No one would want to wake up the next day to a President Biden. And that was before he became senile. So you are telling me that the American people would actually prefer an idiot like Biden? That doesn't make any sense. You know very well that Harris is going to invoke the 25th amendment as fast as she can because Biden is NOT mentally fit for the office. Trump may have his problems but Biden was clearly no threat to Trump in real popularity. The left had to blame everything wrong on Trump just to sway opinion. They even had to tell Antifa and BLM to calm down because they were hurting Biden's chances.
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There's a huge difference between what happened in Gore v Bush where it was a case of a single state and only 500 ballots or so between them and what occured in 2020, where the variance is tens of thousands in multiple states.

While Trump does have a strong base and he did in fact gain multiple million voters this time around, that is due to a number of factors: population growth, a greater number of registered voters, and the highest percentage of eligible voters to turnout in over 100 years. Almost 30 million more people voted in this election than in 2016.

I don't agree that Harris is going to enact the 25th unless of course something does actually happen to Biden to render him incapable of doing the job. The media's claims that he is senile is largely exaggerated in my opinion and primarily seems to be due to issues with his studdering problem. Yes, I've seen him forget things mid speech sometimes but I've also seen 20, 30, 40, etc. year olds doing the same thing at times.

One sure test of how a leader is actually viewed by the majority of the domestic populace is to look at how allied countries citizens view them. The highest approval rating Trump has in any of those countries is 25% (South Korea) and falls to just 9% in Belgium. Even in Canada, he has only 22% approval rating. The man is strongly depised by the masses, not just by the 81M that wanted him out of office in the US
0 ups, 4y
The only comparison I am making between Gore and Trump is that they are both being selective about the areas they are focusing on. Trump could have filed court cases in every state just like Gore could have asked for the entire state of Florida to have a recount.

When emotions are high more people vote. The left created the almost fanatical devotion to Trump by their irrational hatred of Trump. If the left would have acted like sane people then Trump wouldn't have had the strong support. The reason why more Democrats voted for Trump than previously was specifically because they were ashamed of how the left was acting. I agree that more people registered to vote this election. More of the left registered to vote because of hatred. More of the right registered in defense of Trump. Population growth may account for some of that.

It is so obvious that Biden is not fit to serve as president. A lot of times when he is speaking he doesn't know where he is. He frequently rambles on about inane stuff like how kid like to rub his leg hairs. He never was wrapped to tight. Like how he said that if an intruder broke in your home that you were supposed to run upstairs and get your double barrelled shotgun and fire two blasts out on your balcony (into your neighbors house) and that was supposed to scare the bad guy away. That takes a special kind of stupid to give that kind of advice. Or when he told Katie Couric that the nation took comfort by watching FDR on TV when the stock market crashed. Television made it's debut at the world's fair in 1928 the year before the crash and FDR was the governor of New York, not the president. Television stations were formed until probably the 50's. FDR prolonged the Great Depression by about 9 years, he didn't give the people any comfort.

Biden verbally threatens people who ask him questions he doesn't like. He is just not right in the head.

I don't give a crap what Socialists around the world think of us. They don't live here. They're not going to like anyone who isn't a Socialist. Our president is our president, not the president of the world. He does not represent the world. The international media is just as leftist as the US media. They are only going to perpetuate the Trump hatred around the world. The left worries too much about what the world thinks of us. Let the world worry about their own problems. I don't worry about them.
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Forgot to mention, you might want to read the legal documents pertaining to Pennsylvania as your understanding of events there are not fully informed nor entirely accurate. I'd be happy to send you all of the filings to peruse for yourself to see what actually went down there; it's only a few hundred pages of reading material in total.
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Were the court proceedings in Pennsylvania about the state supreme court violating the Constitution? That only the state legislature can change election law under Article II of the Constitution. That is not inaccurate, that is exactly what happened.

And the courts allowed mail in ballots to be counted even if they were not signed or if they were missing a postmark AFTER the polls had closed. That is just a fact.
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Yes, I'm very well aware of the fact that there are establishment Republicans that are calling out Trump and despise him just as much as many Dems do. I'm also very well of the cognitive dissonance that exists with every individual that continues to support him simply because he's not a career politician.

Even in the early 90s, Trump's reputation internationally was that of a con artist, cheat, self serving, and many other unfavorable descriptions. Why people tend to overlook every BS claim he's ever made and the nefarious things he's ever done completely astounds me. The only explanation I can come up with is that those desperately seeking some type of saviour will blindly trust anyone that offers up simple solutions to complex problems, never once researching the historical background of the person they're so willing to place their trust in. That's insanity to me.

German citizens, many decades ago, did that exact same thing with disasterous consequences and their ancestors to this very day are still paying the price for it. Unlike then, technological advancements have made it possible for everyone to discover actual facts - not mere propaganda - yet most never both to even research such because they would rather live with a comforting lie than ever be exposed to the ugly truth.
0 ups, 4y
The Scots hated Trump because he tried to use whatever influence he could to get them to sell him a piece of land to build a golf course. The Scots didn't want a golf course on that land and they stopped him.

During the 2016 primaries, Trump lied about Ted Cruz even to the point of trying to destroy Cruz's marriage. Then he had the nerve to call Cruz, "Lyin Ted". By everything I ever knew about Cruz, he was probably one of the most honest politicians we've had run for president since Reagan.

You can compare that blind faith to Nazi Germany but I wouldn't compare Trump to Hitler. Trump was not a dictator. He did use executive orders to unconstitutionally create law when he banned bump stocks but Obama opened that door. I really wish Trump would have shut it and sealed it up but he left it open for Biden to use it in the same dictatorial fashion. Even so Trump by and large went through Congress to get legislation passed which is the only way laws are supposed to be created.

What you never want to do is put a Socialist in office and give them dictatorial powers. That is how you get Hitler. I am not saying Biden is a Socialist but Harris is.
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I agree Trump's not Hitler but he certainly has used many of the same tactics to fuel blind belief into his supporters, starting with his MAGA slogan. Hitler and the Nazis constantly used "Make Germany Great Again" as one of theirs.

There's also the commonality of them both saying the media is an enemy of the people; declaring how only they could fix the problems of the nation; the "big lie" propaganda technique repeatedly used to get people to believe whatever claim they make; threats and/or retaliation against their political opponents; name calling to degrade and fuel hatred against other groups; the inabilty to accept defeat; etc.
0 ups, 4y
What a lot of people lately are confusing is Nationalism and Socialism. Hitler was a National Socialist. He combined the two for Germany. However, aside from Hitler being a psychopath, what made Hitler evil was not the Nationalism. It was always the Socialism. Socialism is an economic and political system for running a government. Nationalism is not. Nationalism is just a love for one's country. It can very to being that you were born in a certain country or it can be a my country first and the rest of you all can get stuffed.

Trump's use of Nationalism may have been similar to Hitler's but it was also similar to Abraham Lincoln's and just about every other president who loves this country. Why it sounds odd to the left and causes the left to comment on it is the fact that the majority of the left has been indoctrinated to hate this country and everything it stands for. All they can see is slavery and millions of dead Native Americans. Yes, we all understand those events are evil, however, our Constitution is the greatest document for preserving individual liberty ever written, next to the Bible. It is a document that used to put severe limitations on the government to keep the government from destroying our liberty and taking our political power.

Governments, all governments, are only good for 3 things: killing, stealing and enslaving. Every government now and in the history of mankind has done all of those things. There is no exception. Our founding fathers understood that fact and wrote the Declaration of Independence to declare the rights of the individual are greater than any government. They wrote the Constitution to put shackles on our government.

Our government has freed itself from most of those shackles and by doing so has put them on each of us.

Those two documents have made the United States the freest country to have ever existed. You may think I am a nationalist for saying that but the formula that our founders created does not have to be exclusive to this nation. To a certain extent Austria tried to adapt our Constitution but they are the only country I know of to have done that.

Instead the rest of the world is looking for a ruler to take care of all of their problems. They have no problem giving up all of their freedoms just to rely on a government to take care of them. Taking care of people is something that no government is capable of because it isn't one of the 3 things they are good at.
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There were two separate court proceedings in PA and I have copies of all documents submitted in both, including all the appeals and judgments made on such. As I told you before, I'd be happy to send them to you so you can actually read for yourself the actual facts, not some distorted version of such whatever media you follow is telling you to believe.
1 up, 4y
Thanks but I don't need those proceedings. It doesn't matter because Biden is not going to be recalled.

I'm glad you don't get into the identity politics that so many in the Democrat party live by. It shows that you have a brain but then I already knew that by the comments you have made.

I agree that the extremes in both major parties is probably not good but I tend to agree with Barry Goldwater when he said, "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." But when the extremism is just the defense of a political party that is wrong. I support the Constitution how the founding fathers meant it. I am an originalist. I agree with George Washington when he said that political parties give way to foreign influence. Washington would be ashamed of the country he helped found it he saw us today. We have much less freedom than the colonists did under King George's rule.

I won't accuse you of blindly following anything but your own conscience. I apologize if I have done that.

I have no idea with the politics of the creators of Parler and Rumble are. I just assumed they were just trying to compete with Twitter and YouTube and nothing else. I think when conservatives finally got fed up with how Twitter and YouTube was censoring and demonitizing conservatives just because they were conservatives that is when those two social media sites got the label that they were conservative. I do know that MeWe was started by a Democrat and a Biden supporter. MeWe is now dominated by conservatives because of the way Facebook treated them. I think to write them off as conservative social media sites does a disservice to them because there is nothing stopping any type of leftist from joining any of those sites. They certainly won't be censored like the how liberal dominated social media sites are.
0 ups, 4y
Due to limitations on this site, I can't directly reply to prior comments you made directly below them so will try to address and summarize each of them here...

I don't get into identity politics and I think anyone that does is a total fool. I can see merit in some arguments - but not all - of every party's positions. A diehard Dem is just as destructive as a diehard Republican, as too a Green Party member, or any other. What's missing right now is a balance between conflicting agendas. Yes, capitalism is important but so too is human and civil rights and protection for the environment, etc.

What's also missing is principled leadershipof any kind, wherein honesty, integrity, morality and serving the best interests of the majority of population are guiding factors in in every decision. The US political establishment has become a completely corrupt and immoral institution wherein politicians tend to serve the best interests of their wealthy donors rather than the vast majority of their own constitutents. I blame the Citizens United ruling for that one.

Don't ever confuse me as being someone that would blindly follow any political party or leader. I can just as easily find fault and provide evidence of Dems nefarious actions as I can the Republicans. I respect truth, honesty, integrity and FACTS, not lies, gossip, innuendo, nor propaganda, which is currently how much of the Republican party is currently dealing with Trump's loss because they're fearful of blowback from him. It's completely disgusting to me how those people are putting their careers and financial futures ahead of their Constitutional duties and those they were elected to represent.
0 ups, 4y
PS... Parler and Rumble are in fact both considered to rightwing sites which tend to attract conservative viewers, many with extreme opinions and are not merely alternatives to YouTube, FB, etc. Google each of them and read their both their history and their agendas
0 ups, 4y,
2 replies
As I previously mentioned, the limitations on this site only provide the ability to directly reply to any given message twice or so before the reply option is rescinded. Accordingly, this response will ultimately appear out of sequential order to your last posting as I had to go back to prior postings of yours to find one wherein the option to reply still exists.

Thank you for your recognizing my true motivations. I appreciate that. While we may not see eye to eye on every political issue, I respect the fact you were willing to engage with me and present your viewpoint while also being willing to hear me out.

You made many points I could completely agree with as well as some I thought were based on insufficient knowledge about true realities. I'm not interested in trying to convert anyone to my perspective, I only care that everyone gains a full and undiluted big picture of facts that actually exist, not some political propagandized version of such.
1 up, 4y
I've run in that same problem many times where ImgFlip stops giving you the ability to reply to a post so I fully understand the frustration.

So many people on this site like to use sarcasm and insults and I have been guilty of the sarcasm part of that. I try to refrain from insulting people (except political figures). I will insult ideologies but I try my hardest not to insult people who are commenting or replying to me.

It is always enjoyable to meet someone who has actually thought out their positions and will have an honest discussion (not argument or fight). We may not agree on some things but I wish you the best.
0 ups, 4y
I just saw this today. It includes a link to the 270 page document that Sidney Powell released on voter fraud. I haven't read it yet but she does show that Iran interfered in our elections.

Take this as you find it, I am not trying to persuade you one way or another. I just thought you might find this interesting.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
I'll agree in part with some of the things you stated but not all. The US is not and never has been the freeist country in the world, that's just pure propaganda. Most of the democratic countries in the world share equal or greater liberties than US citizens, particularly with respect to education, media, health benefits and greater social equality. Many of them also tend to be much less violent as a society and more caring of their fellow citizens.

I've travelled extensively in my life, plus also pursued multiple post secondary education credentials because I strongly believe none of us have the ultimate answer but we can always learn from others.

I remember 8 years or so ago watching the first episode of TV series "The Newsroom" and being utterly shocked when they actually exposed much of the mythology about the US but absolutely loved the fact that they did that. If you never saw that, here's a priceless clip from it, where everything Will states in his speech is 100% true...
0 ups, 4y
Media, health benefits and social equality have nothing to do with freedom. Freedom is all about self determination. How you want to live your life without government interference.

We were better educated than we are now because we were taught how to think and not what to think. Now it is only what to think.

Social equality is not freedom, it is the antithesis of freedom. We are born equal but what we do with our lives from that point on is our decision. That creates rich, poor and everything in between. Being rich is not a vice, nor is being poor. If you try to equalize the disparity between the two you are taking away their freedom. A phrase I heard years ago has stuck with me and I don't know who coined this phrase. "Free people are never equal and equal people are never free."

This idea of income inequality and bringing down the rich are based entirely on Marx's scheme of division. Marx claims that because the rich are greedy it is okay for you to be envious of them. It is okay to steal their money. Envy is the bigger crime. There is no justification for theft.

Marx never paid attention to the French Revolution and the fact that income inequality grew worse under French Socialism then it was under the monarchy.

I've heard Jeff Daniels rant before. I prefer the TV show called News Radio. It was funnier. :-) Daniel's character misses all of the good that outweighs all of the bad. We seem to think that the United States is the only country that has done bad. Like I said before governments, all governments are only good at three things, killing, stealing and enslaving. Not a single government ever created has escaped those 3 things. Not even ours. This is the fault of corrupt people in the government. Andrew Jackson was responsible for the most horrific things that happened to the Native Americans. Those atrocities were not inherent in the type of government our founders gave us. They were not part of the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Those atrocities were the result of an evil man with too much power. Evil men and women with too much power is a consistent theme of all governments.

I am not an anarchist who believes in no government but I do believe like George Washington said, "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."
0 ups, 4y
Once again I have reverted back to a prior comment you made in order to respond to your lastest comment. Thanks! I wish you and your own family well too.

FYI... just so you know, when Obama was in office, I also called out Dem's BS propaganda that was being published in the MSM and had multiple comments deleted by them that provided links to actual facts that contradicted their narrative. I've also had my comments placed under pre-moderation by those same entities to ensure they have the ability to delete them before anyone gets to read any information I posted that conflicted with the propaganda the Dems wanted to promote.

As I told you before, I can just as easily call out Dems' BS as I can Republicans and have faced the very same censorship that Conservatives claim only happens to them.
0 ups, 4y,
1 reply
The Gateway Pundit is another right wing propaganda site. Sidney Powell's crackpot claims have already been destroyed in multiple court proceedings. Hell, even Karl Rove, a diehard GOP political analyst, commentator, lobbyist and former Chief of Statf during Bush I's administration has repudiated her.
0 ups, 4y
Before you start calling out various Republicans who are opposing the idea of voter fraud you have to understand that it is not just the Democrats who hate Trump. The establishment Republicans (which are the majority of the party) hate him also. Just about the only ones who like Trump are his voters.

I only about halfway like him. However, the establishment Republicans don't like him for the same reason the Democrats party leadership and politicians don't like him. He doesn't toe the Washington DC line. He isn't part of what a lot of people are calling the "deep state" but I just think it is corruption. The kind of corruption that comes from too many politicians being in office for too many decades. They build walls around themselves that keep them in office. They pass laws that make it extremely difficult for newcomers to run for public office without an attorney.

They are in their to game the system for theirs and only their benefit. I believe this corruption is completely consumed our federal government and that election fraud is just a symptom of a much larger problem. And as a result we are basically screwed. It doesn't matter what party you are in, we're screwed.

I know the Gateway Pundit is a conservative website. I only posted the link because it had a link to Sydney Powell's 270 page document she just release in case your are interested. If you are not then that is okay also.
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