I apologize for my arrogance my Brother in Christ. I just really dislike the (even perceived) twisting of scripture. (Especially in MEME form lol...)
Also, I recently ended another (unrelated) and much more "heated" argument with another Brother.
I didn't realize that I may have been blinded by my own haughtiness and perhaps also in possible violation of:
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; (II Timothy 3:3,4)
Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. (I Corinthians 15:33)
- I never considered you to be a heretic. of this I promise. I thought you were a God hater, or Atheist!
- Also, you have correctly addressed a few important points that I forgot: Adam did indeed sin. Romans 5:14. Christ did not. TRUE
- Adam was NOT deceived. 1 Timothy 2:14 But he DID sin by eating the fruit. TRUE
- I forgot to mention also that Adam, being a type of "first" Christ, Adam, I believe, may have attempted (foolishly) to "save" his wife from the wrath of God. Adam was the "first" Christ because of his display of LOVE (even if misguided) for his wife. God, being just, had to give both of them the "boot" of judgement, since he clearly said he would if they disobeyed his commandments/instructions (Interesting, is that there was only ONE rule in his garden. Don't eat of the tree!). God however, was (perhaps) impressed by the display of LOVE that Adam clearly had manifested for his wife, that God vowed to provide for them a plan of redemption: A "second", even "better" Christ Version 2.0!
In part, I believe God warned of the dangers of sin and also, he was subtly revealing in a hazy, shadowy image, part of his ultimate plan for the redemption of his people of which God and his Son had together planned since the foundation of the world!
Praise the Lord!