ellie walked home or... what was left of it having lost her parents in a car crsh and her brother to a floodshe didnt live in the best house. It was a small cabin close to a lake she unlocked the door and went inside her deep blue eyes scanning the place. It was a mess pappers were everywhere it was dark and glass from a broken window was scattered the floor the furniture was damp and rotted the walls threatening to colapes. She shvered and walked toward the fireplace picking up some pinecones and leaves that flew through the boken window and creaky old door. As she rubbed two rocks together in the now full fireplace her ds turnned on suddenly it was a message from her wii friend that she met not to long ago. They had agreed to meet up that night and she could live with them though she didnt know her bullies were planning to kill her and they paid a teenage boy to kill her. She packed the little blongings she had and went out to the woods they wanted to meet above the waterfall. The lake she was near had some cliffs and she never did go near them because of her fear of heights but she wanted to be brave. As soon as she got there she sat near the cliff faceing the trail to the woods there was another way to get up the cliff from the lake so the teenager went up behind her he grabbed her sholders and threw her behind him. But she got a hold of his hoodie and held on screaming bloody murder he started to choke but he kicked her in the ribs *crack* he had broke her ribs she gasped for air and her hands went to her stomach she had let go and hit her jaw on the stone trail her jaw came out of place she screamed as she fell. She started crying feeling betrayed it was a long fall about 100-130 foot drop but she hit the water she tired to move as her backpack fell on her head she realised it was plasic and could hold her up for only a while as it was filled with air. The teen knew this and unzipped it before tossing it with her ellie's belongings spilled from her bag as she grabbed it. She went under again her ds made an electric wave in the water she grabbed it as it happened and was stunned soon she hit the bottem of the lake. It scared her but she couldn't move her lungs screamed for air as water filled them her eyes shut slowly and she slipped into eternal sleep.