look at some but not all the mathematicians arguably to some degree anyway for whatever if anything THAT's worth thinkin' to themselves that they, and without a smidgen of doubt NOT the so-called waaaay next level epistemolgists, are, now i'm talkin' indubitably, 'rigorous 'defcon' math rules are rules don't you dare doubt it or utter 'axiomism' stuff here, in the meme above represented not by the super angsty cat whose by the way kickin' it in Heaven with Bing Crosby and Whitney Houston and Chris Farley and Christ and GOD and stuff, but are instead represented, for sure, okay, definitely, law are laws, by the dark light cloaked demigod like trick pimped out Angel Demon thingy, whilst the epistemologists be likeishness, 'can you prove it without assumptions, arguably helpful ones?...'...