So prove it too yourself by going to the CDC rather than just claiming it's gonna be surpassing.
Because if at Nov 13 with a deaths per day rate below 2018 that virus is going to have to crank up it's virility by 1000% to get it above the normal rate of death from all causes to be called a pandemic disease and that's just not going to happen. This is no Spanish Flu and I think the claim it's not even as deadly as a regular flu may also hold water when the data is examined properly.
And it still doesn't explain why heart disease is way down and why it's not going to be 250,000 deaths higher than a year earlier.
I know it doesn't make sense when you believe everything they've told us and when we take everything on face value as the Media and mouthpieces have presented it.
I have looked at the rates of death from this in other countries where I have interest in and the death rate from the virus really is like the 10-12% or what that many were pointing to from CDC figures and other countries substantiate these things. The Phillipines for example (off the top of my head) has 9000 deaths with 100+ Million people so if we were tracking a similar number of deaths we would have 30000 deaths. They don't have anything like our Hospitals and the treatments have not been for free. So many people haven't sought treatments until late in the disease progression which is of course a mistake but what would you do when the cost of treatment is more than you earnt in the last 10 years. Realize I'm not saying no one has died from it but the actual numbers and attribution is probably 8 times higher than reality. Wear your mask if it makes you feel safer but always wash hands and try keep distance as well as not be near any coughing people and you won't succumb to this. The CDC knows who is dying and from what, thats not conspiracy theory. The hoax part is the veracity of the disease.
Interesting side note which is conspiracy, police are dying from China virus at a higher rate than other front line workers, why?