u said to say something smart? i can type almost 100 digits of pi without google. 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169393751058209749445923078164062862089862803498253421 ahhah oh also i can spell auf wiedersehen and also... let me think of what else smart i can say... hm... there are more card deck combinations than there are atoms on earth.
1 up, 4y
Hey, the jerk store called, and theyre running out of u.
The trash get's picked up by Tomorrow. Be ready.
There are Empty Petri dishes more cultured than you.
You dare to cover yourself with the face of Indigo Montoya? I challenge you to a duel TO THE PAIN!
no i didnt lolz i opened song us, joined a freeplay game, and then gave myself every task and typed it up on a google doc. then i went to all the other maps and did the same. lastly, i put them into a website that puts them in abc order lolz