okay here's my reasonings if you want:
i have to admit, there's no PERFECT list. just people discussing their favorite pokemon of every type.
sceptile: think it's a really awesome starter, 2nd favorite after swampert
blaziken: think it's a great starter, 3rd favorite after samurott
seismitoad: favorite pokemon. awesome. has a real backstory of why i love it so much.
staraptor: really cool birb
zekrom: 2nd favorite legendary, super cool
metagross: think it's a cool pseudo, not my favorite though
cobalion: i love it and goat lion is one of my signature pokemon names
terrakion: i love it as well, 2nd favorite member of the swords of justice, and i love turkey sandwiches
krookodile: hella cool, really awesome, i even have a shiny of it in my shield which looks AMAZING :)
braviary: not because i'm american (well i am american), it's because it's really awesome and brav in the bw manga was really cool and awesome
galvantula: i hate spiders but galvantula is cool
scolipede: i hate irl bugs but it's really cool
hydreigon: super cool, and ghetsis is my favorite pokemon villain (i don't count colress and n isn't a villain)
golurk: cool
kyurem: super awesome and this includes its forms (3rd favorite legendary)
excadrill: really cool and was AMAZING in my white 2 nuzlocke and i got a drillbur in my white nuzlocke so far yaay
reshiram: favorite legendary, super cool, really awesome, very pretty, and PREEEEAH is best cry don't @ me
zacian: mimkyu was too normie but i don't like most fairy types but i guess mimikyu and zacian are decent